Dog Health Tips
Tips To Care For Your Dog At Home
Dogs and puppies often suffer from minor ailments that can often be solved easily at home. Here is a simple guide to dog health remedies to try before calling the vet.
Everyone with pets, whether dogs or puppies, should have a veterinary doctor to turn to in an emergency. They are there for you and your pet, and you should never ignore a pet’s suffering. However, it is a waste of money to attend the vet’s clinic when the problem is one you can solve at home. This is a short guide to dealing with minor ailments as a form of pet’s first aid. If the symptoms persist, you can still contact the vet. Dogs’ health needs shouldn’t be a costly worry to the savvy pet owner.
Some dog breeds do not like being handled: pitbull dogs and bull terriers, for example. This should be a key element of dog obedience training so that the dog accepts that you are entitled to treat him for his own benefit. After a country walk, it is a good idea to give your dog a quick grooming or rubdown and check for any lumps or bumps that he may have picked up along the way, such as twigs and sticks caught between his rear and his bushy tail. Left unchecked, these can cause the fur to mat around them. The dog will worry at it and probably lick the area bare, leaving it open to infection. You can avoid this with a few minutes of attention.
Primal Nutrients Formula For Dogs
UltraK9 Pro contains a spectrum of carefully selected primal nutrients, which can turn any dog back into the fierce, healthy, and energetic wolf that they are deep inside.
These special nutrients are able to clear any dog’s body of the extra weight and toxins that their owners might not even be aware of. It will strengthen the pet’s liver, kidneys, and thyroid as they can fight against unnatural GMOs, preservatives, toxins, allergenic grains, and AGEs that are already in their body.
Your beloved dog’s digestion will work better, and the inflammation in their body will go down, especially the aches in their joints and tendons. And all of this will add back years to any pet’s life. This is the only complete treatment for canine health and longevity and it is also the most delicious treat for their meals.
Ticks are nasty. They have a one-piece body, and the harpoon-like mouth barbs attach to a host (your dog) for feeding. Crablike legs and a sticky secretion help the tick to hold on. Long-haired dogs like Schnauzers often suffer badly from ticks. When attempting to remove a tick, the aim is to prevent the mouth section from coming off and remaining embedded in the skin. The home remedy is simple and cheap petroleum jelly, which is what you would get if you went to a pet shop and paid for a proprietary tick remover! The most effective way to remove the tick is to put a big lump of petroleum jelly over the area where it has attached itself. Leave this for at least ten minutes. Once the tick’s grip loosens, you can wipe it out of the way with a tissue.
Ear mites: if your pet has ear mites, place two drops of corn oil into its ears (an eye dropper will do the trick), massage the ear gently, and then clean it with a cotton ball. This will suffocate the mites. Repeat for 3 days. Regular ear bathing with oil is recommended by vets, to avoid a buildup of wax and irritants.
Constipation: Try this quick fix for a constipated pet. For a large dog, add 3 to 4 tablespoons of mineral oil to its food. For a small dog, reduce the dose to 1 to 2 teaspoons. Do this for two days, and the problem should clear up.
For diarrhea, mix one heaped teaspoon of carob powder with a little water and mix it into your dog’s dinner. Use half a teaspoon if you have a puppy.
For urinary tract infections: mix 30–40 ml of cranberry juice into your pet’s food. This will boost the acidity of its urine, reduce bacteria, and help relieve the discomfort.
And if you are not sure what is wrong, say your pet seems off-color, then here is a tip we use all the time. Add half a dissolved aspirin or children’s liquid analgesic to your pet’s food. It can perk up a German Shepherd in minutes!